Product Description
This Adult Deluxe Pennywise Costume lets you relive every horrifying detail of Stephen King's novel It. Don't let the bright clown outfit of Pennywise confuse you: this clown preys on the phobias of children for fun! Take the form of this bizarre creature but be careful: this clown costume doesn't have a funny punch line! You will induce nightmares in children and adults alike in this spooky kooky costume. This Pennywise costume includes the clown jumpsuit, gloves and mask with wig.
Product Videos
Custom Field
size Standard
age_group adult
color Yellow / Red / Blue
gender men
yahoo-id adult-deluxe-pennywise-costume
brand Rubies M
manufacturer-part-number 881562
shipping 8.95
google-product-category Apparel & Accessories > Costumes & Accessories > Costumes